Who we are


We are a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian ministry based in Perth, Western Australia. We provide information, resources, and inspiration to help Christians to confidently articulate an intelligent, courageous, and grace-filled message about God’s plan and purpose for women and men in the world. 

The Together Project seeks to encourage the full flourishing of both women and men in Christ Jesus in the church, family, and community. It promotes the biblical equality of women and men as God’s image-bearers, all of whom are called to serve and lead in the church, home, and the world according to their gifting. The Together Project team knows that flourishing Christian communities exist where men and women lead side by side.




We envision Christian communities where authority and leadership are recognised according to gifting and calling, and regardless of gender. In these places, we long to see women and men lead with strength alongside one another, complementing each other with their unique skills, gifts, and insights, fully supported by their faith communities.

Beliefs and Values

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our authoritative guide for faith, life, and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We assert that “God made women and men for mutuality, equality, co-stewardship, intimacy, and to love and glorify God together as full, and fully dignified and equal, partners”. [1]

We value Christian community and the vital role it plays in interpreting Scripture and discerning the will of God. 

We value the gifts, strengths, and individual contributions of both men and women.

We welcome kind, compassionate, curious and courageous conversations. 


[1] Graham Joseph Hill, Holding Up Half The Sky: A Biblical Case for Women Leading and Teaching in the Church (Oregon: Cascade Books, 2020), 24.




B.A.(Hons), B.D., DipTeaching, GradDipTheol, DMin

Jennifer Turner has been a pioneering pastor with Baptist and Churches of Christ and a sessional lecturer in several Australian and overseas seminaries. In her retirement she is supervising doctoral students in Asia and Australia and training pastors in Africa.  She also continues to write on the theology of everyday life and enjoys her family of three sons and her eight grandchildren. Her husband is an adjunct professor in agriculture at the University of Western Australia. In 2020 her service to Australian churches was recognised with the award of the Medal of the Order of Australia. 

Jennifer’s book ‘Finding Your Voice: Engaging Confidently in all God Created You to Be’ is available at her website.





B Ed, Grad Dip Div, M. Min

Yvette Cherry is a wife and mother of four daughters, a teacher and an itinerant preacher. Yvette holds a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Ministry from Morling College. She works as a secondary teacher in a West Australian private school. Previously, Yvette was the National Director for Australian Baptist Women and the Women’s Leadership Pastor at Baptist Churches of Western Australia. 

Yvette blogs at www.yvettecherry.com



Bronwen Speedie

Bronwen Speedie

BA, Dip. Min.

Bronwen Speedie is a chaplain, writer and serves on the council of her local Baptist church. Her 2017 article on the Samaritan woman of John 4 for Mutuality magazine was commended by the US-based Evangelical Press Association, and she is the author of a forthcoming Bible study exploring the Bible’s message about men and women from Genesis to Paul. For almost a quarter of a century, Bronwen has been a participant and leader in online ministries to men and women exploring an egalitarian understanding of the Bible. She and her husband Darren have one young son and together they enjoy caravanning adventures.

Bronwen blogs at www.godsdesignperth.org.


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