The Together Project

Here you will find information, resources, and inspiration to help you confidently articulate an intelligent, courageous, and grace-filled message about God’s plan and purpose for women and men in the world.
This site was created for those who are curious to learn more about these things. It is for the open-hearted seeker, looking for thoughtful, intelligent and robust ideas.
If you are at the beginning of a journey of learning an egalitarian theology, you’re in the right place- we recommend you start with our responses to frequently asked questions.
If you’re already convinced that women are gifted and called to lead in the church, and to co-lead in the family, you’ll find solidarity among the writers on our blog.
We’re so glad you’re here!
Jennifer, Yvette and Bronwen
About The Together Project
Learn MoreFrequently Asked Questions
Below are the questions most frequently arise when we start thinking about the issue of biblical equality in the church and mutuality in marriage.
Click on each question to find our response.
Question #1
How do we read the Bible to decide what to do today?
To use the Bible faithfully we must appreciate how it is put together. Its 66 books, written in Hebrew or Greek, are by a variety of authors in many different kinds of literature. Each book had come over time to be regarded by Christians as authoritative. We believe that God oversaw the putting together of these various books into one volume so that under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, there is a consistent message. We recognise two main parts, the Old and New Testaments. Like Jews of...
Question #2
What principles of interpreting Scripture should we apply to understand the passages that are used to limit women’s leadership in the church?
There are two specific Bible passages that people use to limit what women can do in a church, especially in leadership in the congregation – 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15. We will use them as examples to apply the principles of interpreting Scripture outlined in the FAQ: How do we read the Bible to decide what to do today? The question of what women should do in the church is often discussed in terms of their moral nature. So the starting point before we look at the New...
Question #3
What roles did women play in the early church?
The Book of Acts is our primary source for learning about some of the roles women filled in the early church. The list of women in Acts includes Dorcas, Mary the mother of John Mark, Lydia, Prisca (Pricilla) and Philip the evangelist’s four prophesying daughters (21:8-9). Paul mentions others in his letter to churches – Phoebe, Junia, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus’ mother, Julia, another Mary, Syntyche and Euodia as being among those he had worked with in ministry. The list in Romans 16 of...
Question #4
Did Jesus have female disciples?
A disciple is an apprentice who learns from the master, and Jesus had women among the many who hung on his every word in his three years of earthly ministry, welcoming his teaching them in a new way about God. Luke 8 tells us there were women among those who travelled from Galilee with Jesus. Most of these female disciples were drawn from families of fishermen or subsistence farmers in the north of Palestine, but others such as Joanna and Susanna came from households with more resources and...
Question #5
Does the Holy Spirit give spiritual gifts to all Christians?
There are two main passages in the New Testament where the Apostle Paul in his letters describes the church as the Body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:1-13 he says that the church is to function and grow as Christ’s Body through each person using the spiritual gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit. This is in fulfilment of Joel’s prophesy quoted by Peter in his Pentecost sermon: ‘In these last days, God says: I will pour out my Spirit on all people . . . sons and daughters . . ....
Question #6
How can men pave the way for women to have greater opportunities in the church?
Pastor Eugene Cho makes this powerful point about the role that men play in supporting women in church leadership: ‘Power, voice, and influence are not easily pursued and obtained. It must be distributed and shared by those who have that very power, voice, and influence. And because it is so counter-cultural, we have to be that much more intentional. As a male, I am embarrassed at times at the manner in which we [men] directly, indirectly or systematically oppress our sisters.’ If you are a...
Question #7
Why is it important to hear women preach and teach Scripture?
Women who are gifted and called to preaching and teaching ministry are a great blessing to the church! The Christian faith is built on the good news that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Who was the first person to bring this message of good news? A woman! In John 20 we learn that Mary Magdalene is the first to see the risen Christ. Verse 18 tells us, ‘Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ‘I have seen the Lord!’ And she told them that he had said these things to her.’ Theologian...
Question #8
I am uncomfortable with the fact that women are restricted from leading and teaching men in my church. What advice can you give to help me raise this issue at my church?
Sometimes God gives us a sense of holy discontent because he wants us to be an agent for change. Perhaps God is prompting you to be an agent of change in your church community. Discerning whether this is the case is important and you should spend some time praying about it. Next, you could consider chatting with your church leadership about the church’s position on women in ministry. You might find that: A. The church does not have an official position on the role of women in ministry. While...
resources for further study...
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